About Me

My name is Wesley Knapp and I am a botanist with the Maryland Natural Heritage Program. I love plants. They fascinate me and I don't understand why more people aren't fascinated by them. Their diversity and beauty make each day a pleasure. I believe that if more people knew the vast diversity that surrounded them fewer people would sit in front of the television.

Maryland is a great State, but I find myself venturing outside her borders to see new and exotic (to me) plant species. I've conducted fieldwork in nearly every state east of the Mississippi, a few west of the Mississippi, Belize and even Australia. I get out of Maryland to botanize any chance I get, be it on vacation or doing some side consulting.

I am an expert on plant identification and I publish scientific research on various topics. I encourage you to take a look at my CV if you are more interested. A few highlights that help keep my botany sharp are that I teach plant identification classes for the Wetlands Training Institute and review manuscripts for various journals and the Flora of North America Project.

This blog will follow my various adventure both in and out of Maryland. It will be updated periodically, at best.


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