Recent Courses

I love teaching and am so fortunate to be able to teach on an annual basis for the Wetlands Training Institute. I have also taught classes or given workshops for other groups including the Maryland Native Plant Society and the New York Flora Association. Below is a list of previous classes and workshops I have lead or assisted with.

Upcoming Course: 

1-4 June 2015 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Identifying Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes through the Wetlands Training Institute. - website to follow as details are finalized.

Most Recent Course:

2-5 June 2014 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Identifying Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes through the Wetlands Training Institute:

Previous Courses:

20-23 May 2013         “Identifying Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes” for Wetlands Training Institute, Norfolk, VA

7-9 September 2012    “Juncus identification workshop” for the New York Flora Association

12-13 June 2012         “Sedge Identification Workshop" with Chris Frye of the Maryland Natural Heritage Program for the Maryland Native Plant Society at Towson University

21-24 May 2012         “Identifying Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes” for Wetlands Training Institute, at Wetlands Studies and Solutions, Gainesville, VA

28-30 April 2004         “Grass and Sedge Identification Workshop” with Chris Frye of the Maryland Natural Heritage Program, University of Maryland Centre of Environmental Science Appalachian Laboratory, Frostburg, MD

21 May 2003               “Herbaceous and Woody Plant Identification Workshop” for Maryland Forest Service employees, Dorchester County, MD           

21-24 April 2003         “Grass and Sedge Identification Workshop” with Chris Frye of the Maryland Heritage Program, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Appalachian Laboratory, Frostburg, MD
            7 April 2002                “Field Identification of Flowering Plants,” for           

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge employees, Cambridge, MD.

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