Wesley Knapp CV

Wesley M. Knapp

(410) 924-6989

2002-2005    M.S. in Plant Science with option in Plant Systematics, Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware
            1997-2001   B.S. in Environmental Sciences focus in Botany, Minor in Chemistry,   
                                Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina   
            1993-1997  Stevens High School, Claremont, New Hampshire         

Employment Experience
2012-present   Instructor at Wetland Training Institute
2008-present   Eastern Region Heritage Ecologist/Botanist, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program.
2002-2008       Eastern Region Heritage Biologist/Botanist, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program.
2001-2002       Field Botanist, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program
           Summer 2000  Intern: Field Botanist/Botanical Instructor for the Missouri Department of                          

2001                        The Catawba College Environmental Science Award
2012                W.E. Buker Travel Award; Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Professional Society Memberships
American Society of Plant Taxonomists
American Bryological and Lichenological Society
Association of Southeastern Biologists
Southern Appalachian Botanical Society
Maryland Native Plant Society

Lecture Delivered
21 September 2013     “Rare Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes of Western Maryland” – Maryland Native Plant Society Annual Fall Conference.
25 September 2010     “Eastern Shore Plant Communities and their Rare Species” – Maryland Native Plant Society’s Annual Fall Conference.
17 August 2010           “What’s the Rush – the genus Juncus in Maryland” – Maryland Native Plant Society.
17 November 2005      “Morphology and Distribution of Juncus longii – Clarifying its Status as a Species”, Philadelphia Botanical Club
         27 August 2001           “Rare Plants of the Delmarva Peninsula” - NRCS, Adkins
                                                 Arboretum, Ridgely, Maryland.


Specialized Training

24-30 June 2007                     “Bryophytes and Bryophyte Ecology”, Humboldt Field Research Institute, Stueben, Maine.
10–14 February 2003              “Rx-310 Introduction to Fire Effects” hosted by The Nature Conservancy, Browns Mills, NJ.
5-9 August 2002                     “Basic Wildland Fire Fighting (S130/190)” hosted by Maryland Forestry at the Wicomico Demonstration Forest, Wicomico County, MD
28 April-2 May 2002              “Core Heritage Methodology Training” hosted by NatureServe, Arlington, VA


Training Sessions Conducted

20-23 May 2013         “Identifying Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes” for Wetlands Training Institute, Norfolk, VA
7-9 September 2012    “Juncus identification workshop” for the New York Flora Association
12-13 June 2012         “Sedge Identification Workshop with Chris Frye of the Maryland Natural Heritage Program for the Maryland Native Plant Society at Towson University
21-24 May 2012         “Identifying Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes” for Wetlands Training Institute, at Wetlands Studies and Solutions, Gainesville, VA
28-30 April 2004         “Grass and Sedge Identification Workshop” with Chris Frye of the Maryland Natural Heritage Program, University of Maryland Centre of Environmental Science Appalachian Laboratory, Frostburg, MD
21 May 2003               “Herbaceous and Woody Plant Identification Workshop” for Maryland Forest Service employees, Dorchester County, MD           
21-24 April 2003         “Grass and Sedge Identification Workshop” with Chris Frye of the Maryland Heritage Program, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Appalachian Laboratory, Frostburg, MD
            7 April 2002                “Field Identification of Flowering Plants,” for           
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge employees, Cambridge, MD.

Panels and Committees
3-4 April 2014                         Botanical Society of America-Southeast Section Award Judge
3-4 April 2014                         North Carolina Botanical Garden Award Judge – Given during the Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting.

April 2013-Janruary 2014       Maryland Botanical Heritage Work Group – Governor appointed Work Group tasked with writing report on the current state of Maryland’s Botanical Heritage. (Chapter 655, Acts of 2013).
September 2012 – present       Invasive Plant Advisor Committee: Tasked to advise the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Agriculture of risk assessment protocol for invasive plants and to establish a list of invasive plants for control within the State of Maryland.
6-7 April 2012                         North Carolina Botanical Garden Award Judge – Given during the Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting.
4-5 January 2012                    Mid-Atlantic Region Seed Bank organizational committee
June 2010 – Present                Maryland Invasive Species Committee Member
13-16 November 2010            Mid-Atlantic Floristic Quality Index Assessment committee member, Canaan Valley Resort, Davis, WV
June 2008 – May 2009           “Natural Areas Program Development Committee” – Founding member. Assessing necessity and drafting regulation toward implantation of a Natural Areas Program across Maryland.
February 2008 – Jan 2009      “Natural Heritage Program Data Evaluation Committee” – Team Leader. An internal evaluation and assessment of the functionality and effectiveness of the MD Natural Heritage Program Data Information Program.
March 2004 – present             Non-Vascular Plant Technical Committee – Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program/Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.
January 2003 – present           Vascular Plant Technical Committee - Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program/Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.

Noteworthy Scientific Service
2013                            Smithsonian Institution Contributions to Botany, manuscript reviewer
2012 - 2013                 Castanea (Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Society), manuscript reviewer
2010                            Preslia (Journal of the Czech Botanical Society) manuscript reviewer
2010 – present             Flora of North America Reviewer, Southeastern Region

Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings
3 April 2014                “A reexamination of Juncus validus var. fascinatus, a Texas Endemic, and Notes on Closely Related Species” – Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting, Spartanburg, SC
9 October 2012           “Orchid Decline in the Catoctin Mountains, Frederick Co., Maryland as Documented by a Long-term Dataset”. Natural Areas Association Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA.
6 June 2012                 “Orchid Decline in the Catoctin Mountains, Frederick Co., Maryland as Documented by a Long-term Dataset”. Society of Economic Botany Annual Meeting, Frostburg, MD
5 April 2012                “Orchid Decline in the Catoctin Mountains, Frederick Co., Maryland as Documented by a 25+ Year Dataset”. Association of Southeastern Biologists, Athens, GA.
9 April 2010               “The Liverworts and Hornworts of the Delmarva Peninsulas 
                                    Atlantic Coastal Plain.” Association of Southeastern Biologists
                                    Annual Meeting, Asheville, NC.
29 July 2008               “Systematics of the Rhynchospora plumosa group (Cyperaceae)”, presented at the American Society of Plant Taxonomists Annual meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
9 July 2007                 “Circumscription of Rhynchospora section Plumoseae (Cyperaceae), based on Morphologic Data” at the American Society of Plant Taxonomists Annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
3 August 2004             “Taxonomy of Juncus longii, a putative taxon within the Juncus marginatus complex” at the American Society of Plant Taxonomists Annual meeting, Snowsburg, Utah.
15 April 2004              “Taxonomy of Juncus longii, a putative taxon within the Juncus marginatus complex” at the Association of Southeastern Biologist Annual meeting, Memphis, Tennessee.
24 March 2001             “The Flora of Dunn Mountain, Rowan County, North Carolina before and after granite quarrying,” North Carolina Academy of Sciences, 98th Annual Meeting, University North Carolina-Greensboro.

Undergraduate Research Project   
2000-2001                   Study and comparison of the flora and natural communities of Dunn Mountain, Rowan County, NC and their response to a recent quarry operation. Advisor: Dr. Michael Baranski.

Graduate Research Project
2002-2005                   The Systematics of Juncus longii Fern. A putative taxon within the Juncus marginatus complex. Advisor: Dr. Robert F.C. Naczi

Papers/Reports Published
Knapp, W.M. Juncus fascinatus (Juncaceae) a new combination in sect. Ozophyllum and notes on morphologically similar species. [submitted Phytotaxa]
Knapp, W.M. & R. Wiegand. 2014. Population decline of orchids (Orchidaceae) in the                               Catoctin Mountains, Frederick County, Maryland as documented by a long-term                                dataset. [in press] Biodiversity and Conservation.
Allen, C & W.M. Knapp 2014. More than a ‘Pygmy’ discovery. The Plant Press
                        Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Vol 17(1): 9
Knapp, W.M. 2014. Juncaceae in The New Manual of Vascular Plants of the Northeastern United State and Adjacent Canada by R.F.C. Naczi. New York Botanical Gardens. [in prep]
Maryland Botanical Working Group Report: for the Governor and the General Assembly
of Maryland concerning the preservation of Maryland’s Botanical Heritage. 15 Jan 2014. http://nmnh.typepad.com/files/vol17no1.pdf
Knapp, W.M. & B.A. McAvoy. 2012. Sphagnum cyclophyllum New to Delaware and Maryland. Evansia 29(4): 101-103.
Sorrie, B.A., W.M. Knapp, L.D. Estes, & D.D. Spaulding. 2012. A new Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) from cedar glades in northern Alabama. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. 6(2):323-329
Naczi, R.F.C., W.M. Knapp, & W.W. Thomas. 2012. Rhynchospora marliniana (Cyperaceae), a new species of Rhynchospora sect. Plumosae, from northern Central America and southeastern North America (Cyperaceae), Kew Bulletin 67:1-8. 
Knapp, W.M., R.F.C. Naczi, W.D. Longbottom, C.A. Davis, W.A. McAvoy, C.T. Frye, J.W. Harrison, & P. Stango III. 2011. Floristic Discoveries in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Phytoneuron. 2011-64:1-26.
McAcoy, W.A., W.M. Knapp & L.T. Biechele. 2011. An annotated Checklist of Liverworts and Hornworts of the Delmarva Peninsula. Torrey Botanical Society, 138 (2): 239-251.
Sorrie, B.A. & W.M. Knapp. 2011. Juncus pp. 185-192. In A. Weakley, ed. Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States (Working Draft 15 May 2011).
R.F.C. Naczi, W.M. Knapp & G. Moore. 2010. Rhynchospora galeana, a new name for
            Rhynchospora breviseta (Gale) Channell (Cyperaceae). Brittonia 62(1):96-97.
Harrison J.W. & W.M. Knapp. An Ecological Classification of Groundwater Seepage Wetlands of Maryland’s Coastal Plain. Maryland Department of Natural Resources Report. June 2010. 96 pp.      
Knapp, W.M. & R.F.C. Naczi. 2008. Taxonomy, Morphology, and Geographic Distribution of Juncus longii (Juncaceae) Systematic Botany 33(4): 685-694.
Lendemer, J.C. & W.M. Knapp. 2007. Contributions to the Lichen Flora of Maryland: Recent Collections from the Delmarva Peninsula. Opuscula Philolichenum. 4:23-34.
Knapp, W.M. & D. Estes 2006. Gratiola brevifolia (Plantaginaceae) New to the Flora of Delaware, the Delmarva Peninsula and the Mid-Atlantic. SIDA 22(1): 825-829.
McAvoy, W.A., L.T. Biechele, & W.M. Knapp. 2006. New Records for the Leafy Liverwort Calypogeia peruviana Nees et Mont. (Calypogeiaceae) on the Delmarva Peninsula. Evansia 23(1): 19-20
Knapp, W.M. & C.T. Frye. 2002. Ecologically Significant Areas of Somerset County, MD. Maryland Dept. Nat. Res. 41 pp.
Knapp, W.M. & C.T. Frye. 2002. Protection Area Boundaries of Somerset counties Ecologically Significant Areas. Maryland Dept. Nat. Res. 24 Pp
Knapp, W.M. & C.T. Frye 2002. Ecologically Significant Areas of Worcester County, MD. Maryland Dept. Nat. Res.  111 pp.
Knapp, W.M. & C.T. Frye 2002. Protection Area Boundaries of Worcester counties Ecologically Significant Areas. Maryland Dept. Nat. Res.  45 Pp

Select Field Work and current research projects

2013                Florida sand scrub habitat for revision of Rhynchosproa sect. Plumosae
2011-present   Reevaluation of infraspecific variation within Juncus validus.
2009-present   work towards the Juncaceae treatment for the revision of the Manual of the Vascular Plants of the Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada [in prep.]
2009-2011       work towards the Juncaceae and Rhynchospora treatments for the Flora of Tennessee project [in prep.]
            2008                Rhynchospora sect. Plumosae in Apalachicola National Forest, Florida.
2006-2007       Work towards a formal revision of Rhynchospora sect. Plumosae in North Carolina and New Jersey.
2005-present   Work towards a Checklist of the Maryland Flora and associated state-wide fieldwork.
Winter 2005    Vascular plant surveys in Belize, focusing on Cyperaceae.
2004-present   Examination of the Extirpated Flora of the Delmarva Peninsula
2004-present   Studies toward and Atlas of the Juncaceae of Maryland, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Virginia
August 2004    Vascular Plant Surveys in Nevada and Utah
July 2004        Surveys for species within the Juncus marginatus complex in the southeastern, U.S. (Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee)
2003-2011       Studies toward an Atlas of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Delmarva Peninsula
2003                A complete survey of the Wetlands of Special State Concern in the Coastal Bays Watershed of Worcester County, MD
2003                County updates for Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of flora and fauna in Caroline County, MD
2003                Preliminary surveys/collections of the Bryoflora of Maryland’s Eastern Shore
2003                Surveys for species within the Juncus marginatus complex in MA, NC, NH, NJ, PA, SC, VA, and VT.
2002                          Surveys for Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of flora and fauna in Dorchester and Wicomico counties, Maryland.
            2001-2002       Bog Turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergi) surveys in the Piedmont of Maryland. 
2001                Ecologically Significant Area Surveys for Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species in Somerset and Worcester counties.
2001-2007       Field Surveys for the Juncus marginatus complex.


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