
Check my CV for a full list of publications but here are some for you to peruse:

Allen, C & W.M. Knapp 2014. More than a ‘Pygmy’ discovery. The Plant Press
                        Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Vol 17(1): 9

Maryland Botanical Working Group Report: for the Governor and the General Assembly of Maryland concerning the preservation of Maryland’s Botanical Heritage. 15 Jan 2014.

Knapp, W.M. & W.A. McAvoy. 2012. Sphagnum cyclophyllum New to Delaware and Maryland. Evansia 29(4): 101-103.,%20New%20to%20Delaware%20and%20Maryland_%20Dec%202012.pdf

Sorrie, B.A., W.M. Knapp, L.D. Estes, & D.D. Spaulding. 2012. A new Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) from cedar glades in northern Alabama. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. 6(2):323-329

Naczi, R.F.C., W.M. Knapp, & W.W. Thomas. 2012. Rhynchospora marliniana (Cyperaceae), a new species of Rhynchospora sect. Plumosae, from northern Central America and southeastern North America (Cyperaceae), Kew Bulletin 67:1-8. 

Knapp, W.M., R.F.C. Naczi, W.D. Longbottom, C.A. Davis, W.A. McAvoy, C.T. Frye, J.W. Harrison, & P. Stango III. 2011. Floristic Discoveries in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Phytoneuron. 2011-64:1-26.

McAcoy, W.A., W.M. Knapp & L.T. Biechele. 2011. An annotated Checklist of Liverworts and Hornworts of the Delmarva Peninsula. Torrey Botanical Society, 138 (2): 239-251.,%202011.pdf

R.F.C. Naczi, W.M. Knapp & G. Moore. 2010. Rhynchospora galeana, a new name for Rhynchospora breviseta (Gale) Channell (Cyperaceae). Brittonia 62(1):96-97.

Harrison J.W. & W.M. Knapp. An Ecological Classification of Groundwater Seepage Wetlands of Maryland’s Coastal Plain. Maryland Department of Natural Resources Report. June 2010. 96 pp.

Knapp, W.M. & R.F.C. Naczi. 2008. Taxonomy, Morphology, and Geographic Distribution of Juncus longii (Juncaceae) Systematic Botany 33(4): 685-694.

Lendemer, J.C. & W.M. Knapp. 2007. Contributions to the Lichen Flora of Maryland: Recent Collections from the Delmarva Peninsula. Opuscula Philolichenum. 4:23-34.

Knapp, W.M. & D. Estes 2006. Gratiola brevifolia (Plantaginaceae) New to the Flora of Delaware, the Delmarva Peninsula and the Mid-Atlantic. SIDA 22(1): 825-829.

McAvoy, W.A., L.T. Biechele, & W.M. Knapp. 2006. New Records for the Leafy Liverwort Calypogeia peruviana Nees et Mont. (Calypogeiaceae) on the Delmarva Peninsula. Evansia 23(1): 19-20

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